MLA News Digest
14 March 2018

Council Statement on Principle of Open Debate

The MLA Executive Council recently issued a statement to correct misconceptions and clarify existing policy on the MLA's right and obligation to engage in full and open debate on issues of shared public concern. You can read this statement on the council blog.


MLA Language Enrollment Report

The results of the MLA's 2016 census of language enrollments are now available. Among the findings are an overall drop in enrollments since the last report and an increase in the study of some Asian languages. Learn more on the MLA's advocacy site.

Browse the Redesigned MLA Newsletter

The newly relaunched MLA Newsletter features a fresh design and more in-depth articles and updates. Read the Spring 2018 issue for highlights from the last convention, an interview with the author Viet Thanh Nguyen, and much more.

Give Graduate Students MLA Membership

Save up to 20% when you purchase MLA memberships for a group of graduate students. Sponsoring membership for students is a great way to get them involved in the profession and encourage them to participate in the convention!

Summer Internships at the MLA Offices in NYC

Know a college student interested in the nonprofit sector? The MLA is hiring paid summer interns in advocacy, fund-raising, Web production, and more.

Apply for an MLA Bibliography Fellowship

Want to sharpen your research skills and perform an important professional service? Apply for a three-year field bibliography fellowship with the MLA International Bibliography. Applications are due by 1 April. Learn more.

Learn about the MLA's History in a New Time Line
Delve into the rich history of the study and teaching of languages and literatures—and MLA history since 1883—in this new interactive time line.


Style Center
member discounts
Action network
Publication Spotlight
Teaching Modern Arabic Lit
Teaching Modern Arabic Literature
Discover resources and methodologies for teaching modern Arabic literature in translation in a new volume.
CfP: Annual William Inge Theatre Festival and Conf., due 30 Mar.
CfP: Amer. Folklore Society Annual Meeting, due 31 Mar.
CfP: Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Bilingualism Forum, due 31 Mar.
CfP: Asociación Hispánica de Humanidades, IX Congreso, due 31 Mar.
CfP: Comparative Cultural Studies conf., due 31 Mar.
CfP: Women’s Spring: Feminism, Nationalism, and Civil Disobedience conf., due 10 Apr.
CfP: Special issue of MELUS on New Directions in Irish Amer. Lit. and Culture, due 15 Apr.
CfP: Freedom, Power, and Personal Identity in Amer. Pluralism conf., due 15 Apr.

22–25 Mar.:Assoc. for Asian Studies conf., Washington, DC
24–27 Mar.: Amer. Assoc. for Applied Linguistics conf., Chicago, IL
29 Mar.–1 Apr.: Amer. Comp. Lit. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA
4–7 Apr.:College Language Assoc. Conv. on the black metropolis, Chicago, IL

For more calls and events, browse these resources.

Member News

Katherine A. Rowe Named President of William & Mary
Cross Scholars
Reznik and Himeles Among 2018 Cross Scholars
Noël Valis Wins Victoria Urbano Award


PhD Careers
Increase in Support for PhD Careers
"Words Matter" in Views on Higher Ed
Bilingualism Impacts Math Skills
New Bill a Threat to College Affordability
To Succeed, Study Culture and Tech
Making Scholarship More Accessible
The Best Leaders Are Great Teachers
Report: Endangered Langs in Europe
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