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MLA News Digest

18 September 2019

people laughing together

Register Now for the 2020 Convention and Save!

MLA members get discounted early registration rates for the 2020 MLA Annual Convention, which will take place in Seattle from 9 to 12 January. Register today to take advantage of special rates and get the widest selection of workshops, cultural excursions, and hotels. Early registration rates end on 7 October, so don’t wait!

Publication Spotlight

David Foster Wallace

Teaching David Foster Wallace

Explore approaches to teaching Wallace's contexts and innovations in this new MLA volume.


Language Grants to Support the 2020 Census

The MLA is offering $500 grants to instructors across the United States for language-based projects related to the 2020 census. If you have an idea to help ensure that people at all levels of English proficiency get counted, apply now!


MLA Style Student Paper Contest

The MLA Style Center seeks submissions of excellent research papers for its contest. Winners will have their papers published  on the Web site and receive a $50 gift card to an online bookstore. Apply by 28 October! 

thought bubble

Voice Your Opinion on MLA Governance Issues

MLA members have the opportunity to participate in MLA governance. Share your ideas about a proposed resolution or read about a proposed constitutional amendment that the Delegate Assembly will vote on in January 2020.

2020 Career Boot Camp for Graduate Students

Graduate students can get help developing their professional identities within and beyond academia at the career boot camp at the MLA Annual Convention in Seattle. Apply now

Teaching Bram Stoker's Dracula

Take a survey on your experience teaching Stoker's Dracula and help shape an MLA volume in development. You can propose an essay for the volume at the end of the survey.


21–28 Sept.: Faculty Job Market Conference, online  

27–29 Sept.: Conference on gender and sound, Chicago

18 Oct.: Language Teaching Development Workshop, New York City


CfP: American Comparative Literature Association conference, due 23 Sept.

CfP: Conference on the Weimar Republic, due 30 Sept.

CfP: Conference on comics studies, due 30 Sept.

CfP: Conference on diversity, equity, and student success, due 1 Oct.

CfP: Conference on international popular music, due 1 Oct.

CfP: Conference on borders and the South, due 15 Oct.

CfP: Conference on Chester Himes and racism, due 15 Oct.

CfP: College English Association conference, due 1 Nov.

CfP: Interdisciplinary conference on representations of food, due 1 Nov.



The MLA Style Center


Humanities Commons

Money on String

Member Discounts




MLA Grants and Awards

Member News

Annette Kolodny

Annette Kolodny, Remembered  


MLA Members Receive NCTE Leadership Awards 

Joel Brouwer

Joel Brouwer Named UA Associate Provost

News and Opinion


International Students at HBCUs 

people at computer

Grad Students and Career Outcomes


Vocational Education Today 

person at airport

Benefits of Study Abroad

person pointing at charts

Creating Humanistic Case Studies

person on a computer

Machines Can Personalize Learning

personal devices

Higher Ed and Online Visibility

adults at computers

Diversity in College Leadership

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