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MLA News Digest

20 May 2020

students talking at a table

New Report on Ethics in Graduate Education

In a newly published report, the MLA Task Force on Ethical Conduct in Graduate Education offers concrete recommendations for helping faculty members and administrators support graduate students. The report calls for collaborative or networked advising, clear rules for faculty responsiveness, and professionalization opportunities and career guidance that reflect employment realities.

Publication Spotlight

How Students Write

How Students Write: A Linguistic Analysis

This title analyzes sentence-level features in student writing to help you understand how students make their arguments. Learn more.

university building

Free Webinar on COVID-19 and Higher Education

Attend a virtual MLA Public Conversation: "Is Higher Education Learning from the Pandemic?" Join Christopher Newfield, Cathy N. Davidson, and Alondra Nelson on 27 May (2:00 p.m. EDT) for a discussion led by Paula Krebs. Learn more and register.

Clyde Auditorium in Glasgow

Participate in the 2021 International Symposium

Propose a paper or session for the next MLA International Symposium, in Glasgow, Scotland (17–19 June 2021), on the theme Being Hospitable: Welcoming the Other across Languages. Find out more and submit your proposal!

person writing at desk

MLA Raises $100,000 for Emergency Grants

To support contingent faculty members hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, the MLA, through the generosity of individual donors and sponsors, has raised more than $100,000, which will enable us to give grants to all 203 of the member applicants.

Open Access for March 2020 PMLA

Unable to access your print copy of PMLA? During this crisis, the MLA has made the March issue, which includes a special section on aurality and literacy, available for free online

Help Shape an MLA Volume in Development

Propose an essay that shares your experience teaching about the intersection of food and literature in an upcoming MLA volume.


5–8 Nov.: 2020 National Humanities Conference, Indianapolis

20 Nov.: The Body at Work: Gender, Labour, Migration symposium, Paris

1–2 Dec.: Symposium on the mechanics of dispossession during the Nazi period, New York


CfP: Modernism and Postmodernism Studies Conference, due 31 May

CfP: Gender, language, and education conference, 
due 31 May

Call for Proposals: Second Language Digital Literacies symposium, due 7 June

CfP: Earth(ly) Matters conference, due 12 June

CfP: Interdisciplinary conference on loneliness, due 15 June

Call for Articles: Special issue of Contemporanea on environmental history,
due 15 June

Call for Submissions: 
Undergraduate research in the context of climate change, due 27 July

CfP: Connotations Symposium: Metagenre, due 1 Nov.

Call for Articles: Humanities: religion and postcolonial literature, due 30 Nov.



The MLA Style Center


Humanities Commons

Money on String

Member Discounts




MLA Grants and Awards

Member News

NEH Logo

Twenty-Two MLA Members Receive NEH Grants

Nicholas Vazsonyi

N. Vazsonyi Named Dean at Clemson University

AAAS logo

M. Ellmann and C. Rankine Appointed AAAS Fellows

News and Opinion

gavel on top of Constitution and flag

Court Rules on Right to Literacy

school lockers with locks

Colleges Draft Plans for Fall 2020


Boycott on Behalf of Contingent Faculty

Betsy DeVos

Final Regulations on Title lX

Pulitzer Prize medal

2020 Pulitzer Prizes Announced

school bus outside

CA Considers July School Opening

unbalanced scale

Report on Higher Ed Representation

person applying antibacterial lotion

Professors Weigh Options for Fall 

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