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MLA News Digest

17 June 2020

stack of books

Antiracist Teaching Resources Compiled by MLA

Find valuable resources for incorporating antiracist pedagogy into your fall courses. This community-sourced guide includes teaching practices and materials, reading lists, and other resources for implementing inclusive and nonoppressive curricula. See what your colleagues are doing to counteract racism in the classroom, and submit your own resource on Humanities Commons.

Publication Spotlight

Approaches to Teaching Baraka's Dutchman

Teaching Baraka’s Dutchman

Discover strategies for teaching Amiri Baraka’s play, a text that continues to speak to racial violence and inequality today.
Learn more.

Black Lives Matter protest

Read the MLA's Statement on Systemic Racism 

Read the MLA Executive Council's statement calling on educational institutions to "teach the literatures born of struggle against racist violence" and to "actively undo" structures that hinder the full participation of students and scholars of color.

illustration of people wearing medical face masks

Attend a Free MLA Webinar on Narrative Medicine

Register for "Medicine, Narrative, Pandemic, and Power," a discussion on 16 July, 2 p.m. EDT, about how narrative and the humanities can help us understand the pandemic and its differential effects on communities of color. 

person writing

Apply for an MLA Humanities Innovation Grant

The MLA awards $3,000 grants every year to support the development of courses and other educational programs that build enrollments and revitalize student interest in the humanities. Learn more and apply!

Contribute to a PMLA Special Topic on Translation

PMLA seeks essays that examine the art, practice, and discipline of translation in this era of increasing globalization, destabilized national boundaries, and mass migrations.

Help Shape an MLA Volume in Development

Share your teaching expertise by taking a survey and proposing an essay for an MLA volume in development on teaching Margaret Atwood’s works. 

MLA Resource of the Month

Best Practices for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Members

How do your department's practices for contingent faculty members measure up? Use recommendations and evaluative questions from the MLA's Committee on Contingent Labor to advocate for change.


Call for Applications: Digital Humanities Advancement Grants, due 30 June

CfP: National Undergraduate Body Image Conference,
due 30 June

CfP: Poetry and Poetics standing session, due 15 July

Call for Essays: The impact of stress on cancer patients,
due 31 July

Call for Essays: New volume on building bridges and crossing borders, due 15 Aug.

Call for Submissions: Special issue of Edith Wharton Review, due 31 Aug.

Call for Submissions:
Stress, Distress, and Drop-out 
special issue, due 1 Sept.

Call for Submissions: Special issue on gender, genre, and pop music, due 25 Sept.

CfP: Conference panel on conceptualizing the body,
due 30 Sept.



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Member News

Mario J. Valdés

Mario J. Valdés  Remembered

Guggenheim Memorial Foundation logo

MLA Members Awarded Guggenheim Fellowships

Louis Kampf

Louis Kampf

News and Opinion

university building exterior

#BlackInTheIvory Seeks Change 

empty classroom

Schools Need Funding to Reopen

student working on laptop

College Admissions in the COVID-19 Era

teacher standing in classroom

White Teachers Rethink Curricula

laptop showing online class

Virtual Training for Online Teaching

data on computer screen

New Policy Protects Student Data

empty boardroom

Resignations Follow Racism Allegations 

person counting dollar bills

Rule Change Sought for Student Workers

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