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MLA News Digest

18 December 2019

Christopher Newfield

Results of the 2019 Elections

Congratulations to all those elected to MLA offices! In balloting that closed on 10 December, members elected Christopher Newfield (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara) as second vice president of the MLA. Newfield will become MLA president in January 2022. Lisa Karakaya, Jahan Ramazani, and Ignacio Sánchez Prado were elected to the Executive Council. View the full results to learn who won seats in the Delegate Assembly and on forum executive committees.

Publication Spotlight

Digital Literacy

MLA Guide to Digital Literacy

Help students learn critical strategies for evaluating the credibility of sources, detecting fake news, understanding bias, and more. Available now.

person writing on board

MLA Humanities Innovation Grant Winners

Congratulations to the five 2019 Humanities Innovation Grant winners! Recipients receive $3,000 grants to support the development of interdisciplinary and innovative courses or other educational programs. Learn about this year's winning projects.

computer with newsletter

Browse the Winter MLA Newsletter Online Today!

Find out who received this year's ADE and ADFL awards, how to use data to advocate for your department, what to expect at the 2020 convention, and more in the winter issue of the MLA Newsletter.

Profession Fall 2019

Read the Humanities Rx Issue of Profession

Read about bolstering the humanities in your classroom and institution, professional development at community colleges, achieving greater inclusion in academic fields, effective advising, and more. Have an idea for an article? Submit it!

Suggest Yourself or a Colleague for a Committee

Suggest yourself or a colleague for committee service using our online form. Deadline is 20 January. Appointments will be made by the Executive Council.

Apply for an MLA Professional Development Grant 

Part-time faculty members can get financial support from the MLA for research and conference travel, technology costs, and continuing education. Learn more and apply.

Take Part in National Humanities Advocacy Day 2020

The National Humanities Alliance is holding its annual meeting 8–10 March 2020 in Washington, DC. Register now to learn how you can support humanities federal funding.


2–5 Jan.: American Name Society conf., New Orleans

9 Jan.: Dislocation Location discussion series on art as a refuge, Syracuse

9–11 Jan.: Société Française Shakespeare conference, Paris

30 Jan.–1 Feb.: Southern Humanities Conf., Baton Rouge

20–22 Feb.: Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage, Houston


CfP: Cultural Carolina graduate student conference, due 20 Dec.

CfP: Land/scaping Taiwan conference, due 21 Dec.

CfP: International FILLM Congress, due 31 Dec.

CfP: Conf. on folklore, learning, and literacies, due 12 Jan.

Call for Essays: Journal issue on Ntozake Shange's art, life, and legacy, due 15 Jan.

Call for Applications: Summer Institute for Israel Studies, due 31 Jan.

CfP: International Flannery O'Connor Conf., due 1 Feb.

CfP: Book on theater and slavery, due 1 Mar.

Call for Applications: Summer session at the School of Criticism and Theory, due 1 Mar.



The MLA Style Center


Humanities Commons

Money on String

Member Discounts




MLA Grants and Awards

Member News

Katherine Clay Bassard

K. Bassard Appointed Provost at Rhodes College 

Tara Williams

T. Williams Named Dean at University of Alabama 

Laurie Lewis

L. Lewis Named Associate Vice Provost at UTSA 

News and Opinion

career sign

Prepare for a Broad Career Search 

empty classroom

Declining College Enrollments Matter


Language Programs: Think Big


What Is Border Studies?

people throwing caps

Certifications and Bachelor Degrees

student reading

CEOs Support the Liberal Arts Major


Maximize Your Time with a Mentor


Language Affects What We Look At

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