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MLA News Digest

19 March 2020

person at laptop

Bringing Your Course Online

Is your campus moving courses online in response to COVID-19? The MLA has pulled together strategies, guidelines, and lessons from members of the Humanities Commons community to help you quickly bring your face-to-face or hybrid course online. View the site or contribute to the conversation by submitting a resource.

Publication Spotlight


Sina: A Novel by the Author of Heidi

Available in English or the original German, Sina is the story of a female medical student in 19th-century Switzerland.


Deadline for MLA 2021 Proposals Extended 

We're hoping to see you at the 2021 convention in Toronto. We've extended the deadline for proposals to 6 April, and in its review the Program Committee will consider current constraints on members' ability to develop proposals.

group working together

MLA Summit for Future of Graduate Education

Reinvigorate your PhD program at the MLA Summit for the Future of Doctoral Education in New Haven, CT (22–24 October). Sign up your three-person team and create real change for your institution. Learn more and register.

scrabble letters

MLA Summer Intern Applications Due 20 March

Know a talented undergraduate student interested in humanities nonprofit work? The MLA is offering paid opportunities—in communications, fundraising, bibliographic indexing, and more—in our New York offices. Apply by 20 March.

Present at the 2021 Innovation Room

Is your program doing exciting new work? Apply by 29 March to participate in the Language and Literature Program Innovation Room at the 2021 MLA convention!

1 April Deadline for MLA Bibliography Fellowship 

Don't miss the opportunity to be a fellow with the MLA International Bibliography! Sharpen your research skills while providing an important service. Learn more and apply.

Submit a Proposal for a New MLA Volume

Propose an essay for volumes now in development, on Chinese film and on emotions in world literature.
Abstracts are due 1 May and 15 August, respectively.


28–30 May: Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Conference, Chicago

11–13 June: ADE-ADFL Summer Seminar South: The Public Humanities, Dallas

14 June–23 July: Summer Session at the School of Criticism and Theory, Cornell University

6–8 July: Film-Philosophy Conference, Toronto


CfP: Islamic Legacy in the 20th and 21st Centuries conference, due 25 Mar.

CfP: Drawing (Hi)stories: special journal issue on historical comics, due 31 Mar.

CfP:  Book on language learning in the Caribbean, 
due 15 Apr.

CfP: History of Discoveries: New Orleans conference,
due 30 Apr.

CfP: Conference on fashion and material culture,
due 30 Apr.

Call for Essays: Special issue on autotheory, due 1 May

CfP: Medieval and Renaissance Association conference, due 1 May

CfP: Book on social media censorship in Africa,
due 1 May

CfP: Panel on scandalous short stories, due 31 May



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MLA Grants and Awards

Member News

Matthew K. Gold

M. Gold Honored for Digital Humanities

Heidi Bostic

H. Bostic Named Dean at Marquette University

Harry J. Elam, Jr.

 H. Elam Named President of Occidental College

News and Opinion

diploma in hand

College Completion Rates Keep Rising

University of New Mexico building

U of New Mexico to Pay Tuition

Georgetown University building

Georgetown Divests from Fossil Fuels

voting booths

 Students Face Voting Hurdles 

Welcome to North Carolina sign

NC Needs People with Degrees

Long Island University building

LIU Freezes Liberal Arts Enrollments

CDC and NIH officials

CDC Warning for Exchange Programs

student with computer and notebook

Getting Better at Online Teaching

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