MLA News Digest
17 January 2018

Thank You for Attending the Annual Convention!

Thank you for making the 2018 convention a resounding success! Over 6,400 people registered for this year's event, held in New York City from 4 to 7 January. If you presented, keep the discussion going by uploading your paper to CORE, the MLA's digital repository, with the hashtag #MLA18.

Announcing the 2019 Presidential Theme

Anne Ruggles Gere, the 2018–19 president of the MLA, has chosen Textual Transactions as the presidential theme for the 2019 MLA Annual Convention in Chicago. To learn more, visit the MLA news site.
February 28

Submit a Call for Papers by 28 February

Get ready for the 2019 convention by posting a call for papers today. Program copy forms for sessions at the 2019 convention will be available in March. For more on posting calls for papers, visit the MLA Web site.

Speak Out for the Humanities!

Start the new year by telling your members of Congress to support languages, literature, and the humanities. Visit the MLA Action Networkand use our form tocontact your representatives in just a few clicks.

Part-Time Communications Position at the MLA

Know a graduate student who wants to gain experience in nonprofit communications? The MLA is hiring a part-time communications assistant at its New York offices. Share the call with your students and colleagues!

Contribute to a New MLA Volume

Submit a proposal for the new MLA volume Reframing Nineteenth-Century American Rhetorics. Abstracts are due by 1 March 2018. Learn more.


Style Center
member discounts
Action network
MLA Action Network
Publication Spotlight
ATT Chesnutt
Teaching Charles W. Chesnutt
Discover fresh perspectives for teaching the works of the African American intellectual and author Charles W. Chesnutt.
CfP: Colloquium on dissent in the medieval and early modern world, due 22 Jan.
CfP: Applied linguistics conf. on culturally relevant pedagogy, due 22 Jan.
Call for Applications: Library of Congress Junior Fellows Summer Intern Program, due 26 Jan.
CfP: Intl. Assoc. for the Study of Irish Lit. conf., due 31 Jan.
CfP: Conf. on City, Space, and Spectacle in 19th-C. Performance, due 31 Jan.
CfP: Symposium on American Indian Languages, due 1 Feb.
Call for Applications: Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad, due 2 Feb.

25–28 Jan.: Intl. Conf. on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence, Tucson, AZ
1–3 Feb.:Precarity, Populism, and Post-Truth Politics conf., Córdoba, Spain
15 Feb.: Joint Natl. Committee for Languages Language Advocacy Day, Washington, DC

For more calls and events, browse these resources.

Member News

Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski elected to MAA
NEH awards
Twenty-One Members Receive NEH Grants
Jeffrey Cohen Appointed Dean at Arizona State


Listen: Paula Krebs on the Humanities
Free College Mustn't Rely on Adjuncts
Media Literacy in the Fake-News Era
Most Americans Believe in Higher Ed
Study: Paying for Grad School
Women Give Fewer Campus Talks in US
Nine Charts Explain Higher Ed in 2017
A New Health Crisis: Lack of College
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