Modern Language Association


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convention participants in exhibit hall

Register Today for MLA 2022 and Save!

Take advantage of early member registration rates for the MLA Annual Convention, which will take place in Washington, DC, and online from 6 to 9 January 2022. Register today to get the best rates and the widest selection of workshops and hotel 
rooms. Early registration rates end on 7 October.

MLA Handbook Plus

MLA Handbook Plus Now Available Online

Institutional subscriptions are now available for MLA Handbook Plus, a new digital product providing online access to the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook. Ask your librarian about the go-to resource for writers of research papers and for anyone citing sources. 

MLA badge on lanyard

MLA Group Memberships for Grad Students

Departments can save up to 20% when they purchase an MLA group membership for graduate students instead of individual memberships–and get a discounted convention rate when they register a grad group for MLA 2022! Student members are eligible for convention grants.

Ask UP Questions Answered by the MLA

You asked. We answered! Check out Ask UP’s FAQs, in which MLA editors answer your basic and not-so-basic questions about how to publish and promote scholarship. 

Contribute to an MLA Volume in Development

Submit an essay proposal for one of the MLA books in development, on teaching Elizabeth Gaskell and on teaching medieval English drama, among other topics. Learn more.


Take Action on Adjunctification

Congress is writing legislation that would mandate a 75% tenure-track faculty. Read the MLA statement advocating for this legislation and call Senator Patty Murray at 202 224-2621 to voice your support today.


Papers: Symposium on trends in contemporary language and literature, due 22 Sept.

Essays: Special forum on the migrant experience and medical humanities, due 30 Sept.

Papers: Online symposium on women and power,
due 1 Oct.

Essays: Volume on XR and the humanities, due 15 Oct.

Papers: Caucus on queerness and the body in pandemics, due 15 Oct.

Papers: The College English Association’s conference on justice, due 1 Nov.

Submissions: Special issue on multispecies entanglements in literature and art, due 15 Nov.

Papers: Conference on medieval studies, due 29 Nov.

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MLA Members Awarded ACLS Fellowships

Venetria K. Patton

Patton Named Dean at Univ. of Illinois, Urbana

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MLA Members Awarded 2021 NEH Grants



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