Modern Language Association


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Jackson Square in New Orleans

Organize a Session for MLA 2025!

Don’t miss your opportunity to organize a session for the 2025 MLA convention, which will take place in New Orleans from 9 to 12 January. MLA members can submit a session proposal or program copy by 1 April. To participate in a proposed session, browse or search the calls for papers.

Illustration of two hands holding a piece of paper and a magnifying glass

Report: English Grads Find Career Success

A new report released by the ADE Ad Hoc Committee on English Majors’ Career Preparation and Outcomes finds that job outcomes for English majors are comparable to that of all college graduates, but more focus on career preparation is critical for ensuring equity. Read the report.

An envelope and a blank piece of paper

A Letter about Emergency Motion 2024-1

The MLA is wholly committed to defending academic freedom, our members’ right to protest, and their right to feel safe on campus. Read an open letter from the Executive Council addressing an emergency motion that was passed at the 2024 MLA Delegate Assembly.

Three people sit around a table looking at one person standing at the end of the table

Apply for Regional Teaching Institutes

Part-time and full-time instructors at access-oriented institutions and doctoral students working in English and related fields can apply for the 2024 MLA summer institutes on reading and writing pedagogy. Learn more and apply by 31 March

Submit an Innovation Room Proposal

The Innovation Room creates a space at the convention to share successful new programs, courses, resources, and other pedagogical initiatives. Submit a proposal by 15 April.

Submit an Essay for a Special Issue of PMLA

PMLA is now accepting submissions for a new special topic, Environmental Humanities in Practice. Read the call for papers and submit an essay by 31 March 2025. 


Higher Ed Careers Webinar

In our upcoming webinar, Higher Ed Careers beyond the Professoriat, panelists will discuss the different experiences that led them into new roles beyond the faculty. Members can register now.


Abstracts: Special issue on critical race theory, queer theory, and reproductive rights, due 31 Mar.

Papers: Special issue on race in the work of John Steinbeck, due 1 Apr.

Submissions: Book on global historical fiction, due 1 Apr.

Proposals:  Collection on memorialization and true crime, due 8 Apr.

Papers: Edited collection on depictions of stepmothers, due 30 Apr.

Submissions: Special issue on “the Asian Century,” due 1 May

Proposals: Edited volume on Black creators of digital media, due 15 May

Abstracts: Collection on philosophy and country music, due 20 May

View more opportunities on Profession


National Book Critics Circle

Hecimovich, Dames, and Post Are NBCC Finalists

Morris Eaves

Morris Eaves, In Memoriam

Bridget Chalk

Chalk Named Manhattan College Dean


Luce/ACLS Collaborative Grant in China Studies



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