Modern Language Association


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Two people working together

MAPS Summer Leadership Events

Whether you are a new, experienced, or aspiring leader, the 2023 ADE-ALD Summer Seminar and the MAPS Leadership Institute will provide valuable tools and strategies for strengthening your program. Participants can earn a leadership certificate. Register now!  

rolled up certificate with red ribbon

Compete for MLA Publication Awards

The MLA invites authors to compete for four new Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione publication prizes in African, East Asian, Middle Eastern, and South Asian literary or linguistic studies. Submissions for books published in 2022 must be received by 1 May. Learn more.

paper airplanes flying in all different directions

Diverse Career Pathways Webinar

Join us for this free MLA webinar to hear from PhDs in languages and literatures who have pursued a range of career paths in and outside the academy, and explore where your degree can take you! Register to attend on 20 April at 2:00 pm EDT.

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MLA Guide to Scholarly Communication

Get practical advice on building your scholarly profile, publishing your research, and engaging different audiences in Publishing and Scholarly Communication in the Humanities, brought to you by the MLA's ProfessionGet the guide.

Apply for a Professional Development Grant

The MLA is offering $1,000 grants to part-time faculty members to help pay for expenses associated with professional development. Members can apply by 28 April.

Contribute to a Volume in Development

The MLA invites you to take a survey and submit proposals for a new volume on teaching Cervantes’s Novelas ejemplares. Survey responses and proposals due 1 June.


Spring MLA Newsletter

MLA members can read the latest issue of the Newsletter, which includes Frieda Ekotto’s president's column on the value of conversations about race, Paula Krebs's column on the importance of advocating for the humanities, and more!


Papers: Conference on race and ethnicity studies, due 30 Apr.

Essays: Volume on digital humanities in American studies, due 30 Apr.

Essays: Volume on the cultural impact of Barbie, due 1 May

Submissions: Journal of Literature, Theatre, and Culture Studiesdue 12 May

Essays: Volume on multilingual interrelations in Jewish literatures, due 15 May

Papers: Conference on the laws and customs of the early modern sea, due 15 June

Submissions: Special issue of the International Journal of Human Rightsdue 15 June

Submissions: Special issue of Humanities,  Discourses of Madness, due 30 June

View more opportunities on Profession


Mark Wollaeger

Mark Wollaeger  Remembered

Cajetan Iheka

Iheka Named Director of Yale Humanities Center

Ato Quayson

Quayson to Head New Department at Stanford



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