Register Today for MLA 2023!
Registration for the 2023 MLA Annual Convention is open, and the preliminary program is available! Take advantage of early registration rates for the convention, which will take place in San Francisco and online from 5 to 8 January. Read about the 2023 presidential theme, Working Conditions.
Approaches to Teaching The Plum in the Golden Vase
The essays in this volume provide ideas for teaching this 17th-century novel using a variety of insights and approaches.
Join to get 30% off MLA titles.
MLA Webinars on the Public Humanities
The MLA is fostering member conversations about developing and sustaining projects in the public humanities. Join our two webinars on 4 and 20 October to spark dialogue and implement change around how such projects are valued. Learn more.
MLA Group Memberships for Grad Students
Sponsoring MLA membership for graduate students is a great way to support students' professional development. Departments can save up to 20% when they purchase memberships for a group, and student members are eligible to apply for convention grants. Learn more.
Contribute to a New MLA Volume
Submit a proposal to contribute an essay for a volume in the MLA Options for Teaching series entitled Teaching Energy Humanities. Abstracts due by 31 October.
Just-In-Time Convention Session Reminder
Don't miss your chance to organize an MLA 2023 session about something that happened after the 1 April submission deadline. Submit a proposal by 22 September.
MLA members are entitled to significant discounts on a variety of products and services, including insurance coverage for vision care as well as other health care, home care, auto, and travel savings. Check out the full directory of membership discounts here.
Essays: Collection undertaking a new reading of Grazia Deledda, due 1 Oct.
Essays: Volume on gender and sexuality in popular culture, due 7 Oct.
Essays: Volume on the phenomenon of the translator’s visibility today, due 15 Oct.
Submissions: Special issue of On_Culture exploring present futures, due 15 Oct.
Papers: Conference on margins and periperies in East Asian cultures, due 17 Oct.
Papers: Symposium on Native American and Indigenous studies, due 1 Nov.
Papers: College English Association conference entitled Confluence, due 1 Nov.
Submissions: Special issue of Survive and Thrive entitled Am I Invisible?, due 15 Nov.