Modern Language Association


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mentor working with student

Apply for MLA Public Humanities Incubator

Current graduate students with an interest in contributing to public humanities scholarship are invited to submit applications to the inaugural MLA Public Humanities Incubator. Participants and their mentors will present their projects at the 2023 MLA convention. Apply by 1 September. Learn more.

people attending convention

Support Fellow MLA Members and Their Work

Help us reach our goal for 2021–22: give to Paving the Way, the MLA fund supporting graduate students' and contingent faculty members' professional development and courses and programs aimed at building enrollments and student interest in the humanities.

person at laptop in library

Free Online Research Course for Students

Are your students conducting research this fall? Tell them about the MLA Bibliography's free online course, which teaches students how to use the bibliography for college-level research. Students earn a badge when they complete a module and when they complete the course.

MLA Condemns Threats to Academic Freedom

The MLA Executive Council strongly supports the AAUP's statement condemning all forms of academic censorship 
and legislative interference in curricula and pedagogy.

Contribute to an MLA Volume in Development

The MLA invites essay proposals for the upcoming volume  Teaching Afro-Brazilian Literature in a Diasporic Context. Submit abstracts by 30 September.


New MLA Style Course

MLA Handbook Plus now features a video course, MLA Style 101, available to all  Handbook Plus subscribers.      The course is dedicated to the core elements of MLA style and consists of short lessons accompanied by quizzes and a final assessment. 


Essays: Collection on Saint Francis, lepers, and the COVID pandemic, due 31 July.

Submissions: Special issue of The Hemingway Reviewdue 15 Aug.

Papers: Conference on technology and material culture in Africa, due 31 Aug.

Papers: Conference on teaching composition to ESL/EFL students, due 1 Sept.

Submissions: Special issue on poetry and social institutions in a transimperial frame, due 1 Sept.

Papers: Conference panel on disability in the global Middle Ages, due 15 Sept.

Essays: Book titled Of Ruin and Regeneration: Narratives of Hope and Despairdue 15 Sept.

Essays: Book titled Asian Popular Culture and the Gothic, due 31 Oct.

View more opportunities on Profession


Miriam Mara

Mara Appointed Director of ASU's New College

Tracy Denean Sharpley-Whiting

Sharpley-Whiting Is Vice Provost at Vanderbilt

Ruth Klüger

Vienna Names City Square for Ruth Klüger 



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